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cut_ages() provides categorisation of ages based on specified breaks which represent the left-hand interval limits. The resulting intervals span from the minimum break through to a specified max_upper and will always be closed on the left and open on the right. Ages below the minimum break, or above max_upper will be returned as NA.


cut_ages(ages, breaks, max_upper = Inf)




Vector of age values.

Double values are coerced to integer prior to categorisation / aggregation.

Must not be NA.



1 or more non-negative cut points in increasing (strictly) order.

These correspond to the left hand side of the desired intervals (e.g. the closed side of [x, y).

Double values are coerced to integer prior to categorisation.



Represents the maximum upper bound for the resulting intervals.

Double values are rounded up to the nearest (numeric) integer.

Defaults to Inf.


A data frame with an ordered factor column (interval), as well as columns corresponding to the explicit bounds (lower_bound and upper_bound). Internally both bound columns are stored as double but it can be taken as part of the function API that lower_bound is coercible to integer without any coercion to NA_integer_. Similarly all values of upper_bound apart from those corresponding to max_upper can be assumed coercible to integer (max_upper may or may not depending on the given argument).


cut_ages(ages = 0:9, breaks = c(0L, 3L, 5L, 10L))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    interval lower_bound upper_bound
#>    <ord>          <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 [0, 3)             0           3
#>  2 [0, 3)             0           3
#>  3 [0, 3)             0           3
#>  4 [3, 5)             3           5
#>  5 [3, 5)             3           5
#>  6 [5, 10)            5          10
#>  7 [5, 10)            5          10
#>  8 [5, 10)            5          10
#>  9 [5, 10)            5          10
#> 10 [5, 10)            5          10

cut_ages(ages = 0:9, breaks = c(0L, 5L))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    interval lower_bound upper_bound
#>    <ord>          <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  2 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  3 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  4 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  5 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  6 [5, Inf)           5         Inf
#>  7 [5, Inf)           5         Inf
#>  8 [5, Inf)           5         Inf
#>  9 [5, Inf)           5         Inf
#> 10 [5, Inf)           5         Inf

# Note the following is comparable to a call to
# cut(ages, right = FALSE, breaks = c(breaks, Inf))
ages <- = 0, by = 10, length.out = 10)
breaks <- c(0, 1, 10, 30)
cut_ages(ages, breaks)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    interval  lower_bound upper_bound
#>    <ord>           <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 [0, 1)              0           1
#>  2 [10, 30)           10          30
#>  3 [10, 30)           10          30
#>  4 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#>  5 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#>  6 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#>  7 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#>  8 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#>  9 [30, Inf)          30         Inf
#> 10 [30, Inf)          30         Inf

# values above max_upper treated as NA
cut_ages(ages = 0:10, breaks = c(0,5), max_upper = 7)
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#>    interval lower_bound upper_bound
#>    <ord>          <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  2 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  3 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  4 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  5 [0, 5)             0           5
#>  6 [5, 7)             5           7
#>  7 [5, 7)             5           7
#>  8 NA                NA          NA
#>  9 NA                NA          NA
#> 10 NA                NA          NA
#> 11 NA                NA          NA