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ympes 1.8.0

  • New function gstrcapture().

  • No longer download css when building vignette.

ympes 1.7.0

CRAN release: 2024-11-27

  • cc() can once again send generative code for its output to the system clipboard via the .clip argument. This functionality was previously removed in the 1.5.0 release due to unreliability in it’s use on some environments (e.g. RStudio on Fedora KDE Wayland session). Time seems to have remedied the issue.

  • breaking change: If an assertion succeeds it now returns it’s input invisibly. This was to enable more concise casting, e.g

    x <- 1.0
    x <- as.integer(assert_integerish(x))
  • breaking change: new_package() and it’s alias np() have been completely removed from the package.

ympes 1.6.0

CRAN release: 2024-10-31

ympes 1.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-28

  • cc() now allows you to split length one character vectors by whitespace.

  • breaking change: cc() no longer allows the user to send generative code for the output to the system clipboard with the .clip argument. This functionality was unreliable on some systems so has been removed until a reliable implementation can be provided.

  • Assertions and the new_package() functionality have been marked experimental. Breaking changes to these functions should be considered likely.

  • Added an overview vignette (see vignette("ympes", package = "ympes")).

ympes 1.4.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-20

  • New function grepvrows() which is identical to greprows() except with the default value = TRUE.

  • New function greplrows() returns a logical vector (match or not for each row of the supplied data frame).

  • breaking change: For consistency with grep(), the value argument of greprows() now defaults to FALSE. Please set the value explicitly or use the new grepvrows() function.

ympes 1.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-31

  • New assertion function assert_scalar_whole().

  • Users can now set the condition subclass of returned errors via a .subclass argument. In a similar vein it is now possible to specify additional fields in the returned error condition via the ... arguments.

  • breaking change: Exported assertion functions are no longer prefixed with a dot.

  • breaking change: To allow for the additional ... arguments in the aforementioned assertions the parameters arg/call have been renamed to .arg/.call respectively and have also been shifted (position-wise) within the function signatures. For example

    assert_int(x, arg = deparse(substitute(x)), call =


    assert_int(x, ..., .arg = deparse(substitute(x)), .call =, .subclass = NULL)

ympes 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-24

  • breaking changes in fstrcapture():
    • The perl and useBytes arguments have been removed. These are now set internally to TRUE and FALSE respectively.
    • The order of the x and pattern arguments has been switched to make the function a little more pipe-friendly.
    • If the captures in the given pattern are named then these names take priority over any names present within the proto argument.
    • If the proto argument is missing, then all captures will be treated as character type.

ympes 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-13

  • Assertion functions are now (re)exported once again. Note they are all prefixed with a dot to avoid common naming collisions and, somewhat secondary, to emphasise their intended use within other functions.

  • breaking change. new_package() now utilises an explicit pkg folder for the R package.

  • Fixes (hopefully) an issue with the internal usage of clipr within cc() when on a Wayland system.

ympes 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-02

  • New function fstrcapture(). This is an (almost) drop-in replacement for strcapture() that performs better when using Perl-compatible regexps.

  • breaking change. Assertion functions have been removed. They can still be found internally (and are checked by tests) but the intention is to use them as a standalone file that is copy and pasted between packages as needed.

  • Licence change. Licence bumped from GPL-2 to GPL-3.

ympes 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-03

ympes 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-03-09

  • New function new_package() for setting up a package skeleton based on my preferred folder structure.

  • The old format for assertions (with the imp_ prefix; e.g. imp_assert_int()) are now defunct and calling them will result in an error.

  • Age utility functions breaks_to_interval(), cut_ages(), split_interval_counts(), aggregate_age_counts(), reaggregate_interval_counts() and ages_to_interval() are now defunct. These functions have been migrated to the more focussed ageutils package. As of version 0.0.1 of ageutils these have an identical naming and usage.

ympes 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-01-05

  • New assertion functions that do not require the imp_ prefix and return NULL on success. Note that returning NULL means the new assertions are not pipe friendly but the implementation is slightly more efficient.

  • The old format for assertions (with the imp_ prefix; e.g. imp_assert_int()) are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • ages_to_interval() has been deprecated and replaced with the function cut_ages(). This has a slightly different API (see help(cut_ages) for more information).

  • New function breaks_to_interval() for transforming breaks in to corresponding intervals (see help(breaks_to_interval)).

  • breaking change. The limits parameter has been removed from both aggregate_age_counts() and reaggregate_age_counts(). It has been replaced by a breaks which represents the left-hand side of your desired interval bounds (i.e. the x value in [x, y)). Intervals no longer span the natural numbers by default but will begin from the minimum break input. Any ages below this value will be treated as NA.

  • New function greprows() for searching rows of a data frame.

ympes 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2022-11-01

Fixes a memory bug in ages_to_interval() that was highlighted via CRAN’s Valgrind checks.

ympes 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2022-10-26


  • New functions for working with age intervals:

    • ages_to_interval() provides categorisation of ages based on specified right-hand interval limits.

    • split_interval_counts() splits counts within a age interval in to counts for individuals years based on a given weighting.

    • aggregate_age_counts() provides aggregation of counts across ages (in years).

    • reaggregate_interval_counts() which is equivalent to calling split_interval_counts() followed by aggregate_age_counts().


The testing framework used by ympes has migrated from testhat to tinytest.

ympes 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2022-08-09

Initial release of ympes which provides a collection of lightweight helper functions (imps) for both interactive use and for inclusion within other packages.


  • assertions for integer, double, numeric, logical, bool, character (string), list and data frame values

    • imp_assert_integer(), imp_assert_int()

    • imp_assert_double() , imp_assert_dbl()

    • imp_assert_numeric(), imp_assert_num()

    • imp_assert_logical(), imp_assert_lgl()

    • imp_assert_character(), imp_assert_chr()

    • imp_assert_list()

    • imp_assert_data_frame()

    • imp_assert_scalar_integer(), imp_assert_scalar_int()

    • imp_assert_scalar_double(), imp_assert_scalar_dbl()

    • imp_assert_scalar_numeric(), imp_assert_scalar_num()

    • imp_assert_scalar_logical(), imp_assert_scalar_lgl()

    • imp_assert_boolean(), imp_assert_bool()

    • imp_assert_scalar_character(), imp_assert_scalar_chr(), imp_assert_string()

  • cc() for interactive quoting of comma separated names.

  • plot_palette() for visualising colour palettes.